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By Brad McKnight Wilson,
Directed by Maeli Goren
Yale Cabaret

A 4th grade private eye solves a whale-sized mystery and learns nobody has to swim solo forever.


Lights by Nicole Lang

Set by Jimmy Stubbs

Costumes by David Mitsch

Sound by Megumi Katayama

Music Direction by Liam Bellman-Sharpe

Technical Direction by Will Neumann

Stage Managed by Olivia Plath

Dramaturgy by Jisun Kim


Featuring Maeve Brady, Evelyn Giovine, Rob Hayer, Ipsitaa Khullar, and Laurie Ortega-Murphy


Photos by Emily Duncan Wilson, last 4 by Jimmy Stubbs

Whale in the Hudson: Text
Whale in the Hudson: Gallery

"The play, which invites audience participation in performing the catchy 'Whale in the Hudson' jingle with voice and hand-gesture, is at times whimsical, at times absurdist, and even a bit heartbreaking.  It's a potent mix of emotions for a younger audience who will no doubt enjoy watching a play in which kids are more important than adults." â€‹

- Donald Brown, New Haven Review

Full Review Here


"Written by Brad McKnight Wilson and directed by Maeli Goren, The Whale in the Hudson is the first Cab show in a decade designed for young audiences, with a special matinee, audience interaction, and eye-catching, raucous musical numbers built in especially for kids."​

- Lucy Gellman, Arts Council of Greater New Haven

Full Review Here

Whale in the Hudson: Text

©2021 by Maeli Goren-Wilson. Proudly created with

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