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By Doireann Mac Mahon, Directed by Maeli Goren
Yale Cabaret

If you don't remember something, did it happen?  If you don't know if something happened, but you believe it did, does that make it true?


Set and Lights by Stephanie Bahniuk

Costumes by April Hickman

Sound by Nicole Nichols

Technical Direction by Yaro Yarashevich

Stage Managed by Bekah Brown

Dramaturgy by Sophie Greenspan


Featuring Doirean Mac Mahon, Leyla Levi, and Edwin Joseph


Photos by Emily Duncan Wilson

How To Relearn Yourself: Text
How To Relearn Yourself: Gallery

"How to Relearn Yourself is less about the culture of rape and the way teens comport themselves—though it does register some of the surrounding attitudes—and more about violation as a psychic affront. The play is gripping because its central character is so clearly in the grip of emotions that have no public or social outlet—it’s their privacy that makes them real. They belong to her alone."

-Donald Brown, New Haven Review

Full Review Here

How To Relearn Yourself: Text
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